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Virtual Per-Person Rate Signs of Suicide

Virtual Per-Person Rate Signs of Suicide



Now offering half-day virtual workshops to prepare participants to train students, faculty/staff, and parents in youth suicide prevention. This interactive training encourages participants to practice key competencies, discuss common barriers, and brainstorm strategies for successful delivery of evidence-based suicide prevention in the classroom and to the larger school community. A thorough review of SOS materials and planning processes ensures key school staff are ready to deliver suicide prevention education to all audiences.

Topics include:

  • Facilitating a classroom discussion about depression and suicide with 6th-12th graders

  • Administering universal depression screening and following up with identified students

  • Providing youth suicide prevention training for teachers and school staff

  • Coordinating with school administration and community partners for support

  • Reaching out to parents as partners in prevention

Participants commonly include:

  • Counselors, school psychologists, social workers, health teachers, and other school staff who will deliver suicide prevention education to students

  • Community mental health staff and youth-serving organizations offering SOS directly to students through school partnerships

Cost $175 per person with 10 person minimum. Virtual Savings of $25 per person off National cost.  

$600 Virtual group parent, community or student implementation training 25 person maximum.  

Discounted scholarship determined case-by-case basis.  

*Training price does not include SOS licenses for schools. Each school needs an annual SOS license to provide suicide prevention training to students, teachers, and parents. First years subscription- for video and program materials for parents, educators, administrators, counselors, teachers and students. $495 Annual renewal $300. 



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